Grace Kelly cause of death: What happened to the Princess of Monaco? What was Grace Kelly driving wh

Kelly was born on November 12, 1929, in Philadelphia, the daughter of a rich manufacturer and a former model. She started acting as a young girl. She studied at the American Academy for Dramatic Arts in New York after graduating from high school. The classic blonde beauty supported herself by modelling and participating in TV ads while attending Broadway play auditions.

Kelly made her Broadway debut in 1949 with August Strindberg’s The Father. She received her first Hollywood little part in Fourteen Hours two years later. Her big break came in 1952 when she was featured in the Western High Noon as Gary Cooper’s wife.

Grace Kelly cause of death: What happened to the Princess of Monaco?

Princess Grace of Monaco, the American-born former movie star Grace Kelly, whose filmography includes The Country Girl and Rear Window, passes away on September 14, 1982, at the age of 52 from wounds sustained when her automobile swerved off a mountain road close to Monte Carlo. Kelly rose to fame in Hollywood in the 1950s and became a global symbol of beauty and glitz.

What was Grace Kelly driving when she died?

Princess Grace was driving when she suffered a stroke and drove it off the hillside.
